Country wise Muslim religion Percentage.

In this beautiful universe there are more than 600+ million people live hare. So,there are different type of religion present hare. For example, Christian,Muslim, Buddist, Hinduisam etc. Today we know about world wide percentage rate of Muslim population (according to world wide research 2012).

1. Afganistan 100% Muslim.
2.Algeria 99%
3.Albania 75%
4.Angola 25 %
5. Argentina 2%
6. Australia 2.09%
7. Azerbaijan 93%
8. Bahrain 100%
9. Bangladesh 90%
10. Bhutan 5%
11. Brazil 0.6 %
12. Myanmar, Burma 10 %
13. Canada 1.48
14. China 11%
15. Ezypt 94 %
16. Ethiopia 65 %
17. Fizzy 11 %
18. France 7 %
19. Georgia 11 %
20. Germany 3.4 %
21. Greece 1.5 %
22. Guinea 95 %
23. Guyana 15 %
24. Hong Kong 1 %
25. India 24 %
26. Indonesia 95 %
27. Iran (Islamic Republic of) 99 %
28. Iraq 97 %
29. Israel 14 %
30. Italy 1 %
31. Japan 1 %
32. Jordan 95 %
33. Kenya 30 %
34. Kuwait 89 %
35. Lebanon 70 %
36. Libya 100 %
37. Maldives 100 %
38. Malaysia 52 %
39. Mauritius 19.5 %
40. Mayotte 99 %
41. Nigeria 75 %
42. Oman 100 %
43. Pakistan 97 %
44. Philippines 14 %
45. Qatar 100 %
46. Romania 20 %
47. Russia 18%
48. Saudi Arabia 100 %
49. Singapore 17 %
50. Somalia 100 %
51. Sri Lanka 9 %
52. Sudan 85 %
53. Syria, Syrian Arab Republic 90 %
54. Tajikistan 85 %
55. Tanzania; officially the United Republic of Tanzania 65 %
56. Thailand 14 %
57. Tunisia 98 %
58. Turkey 99.8 %
59. Dubai 96 %
60. U.S.A 3.75 %
61. Uzbekistan 88 %
62. United Kingdom 2.5 %

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